Quality Policy

FOeng has decided to embark on the process of Quality Certification, aiming to provide their services with a methodology that clearly adds value and instills greater confidence and security for their clients.

In order to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty, FOeng has decided to implement a quality management system, committing to:

Providing suitable working conditions for our employees so that they can actively participate in the implementation and improvement of the company's quality management system.

Providing training opportunities for employees to enhance the value of our services.

Establishing methodologies that strengthen partnerships with our suppliers.

Ensuring customer satisfaction by always striving to provide the best possible service, reducing service delivery time and minimizing customer waiting times and operational costs.

Promoting continuous improvement in the provision of our services, aiming for sustainable company growth in line with established objectives and the effectiveness of the implemented Management System.

To achieve these goals, the Management commits to actively implementing the Quality Management System and providing all necessary means to its employees.

Quality Policy established on April 27, 2015.

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